
Southglade and Clifton...whoowhhooooop

Sorry for the lack (slackness) of blogging but hey, it was summer, we were all skating and then it was winter so we hibernate...!

But since the last time we spoke there have been some developments with the future of skate/bike provision in Nottingham. The Council, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to invest in 2 projects that should be completed by Summer 2009.

Southglade - which is situated in the middle of the Bestwood estate (lovely) is the first to happen. They began construction on the 2nd March 2009 and from the notice on the fence it should take approx. 10 weeks. But - PLEASE DO NOT enter the site prior to opening as the concrete needs to cure properly. If you enter and skate/ride, you could ruin the park for yourself and everyone else in Notts. Just hold tight...! Here's a pic of the proposed design:
Looks pretty sick hey...!!! Can't wait to skate this.

Clifton - not sure what is happening there but from what i know the same company (Maverick) have the contract so i'm sure that they will release some kind of design very soon. Watch this space but i think it's supposed to be more street orientated.

The endless task of talking to the Council about a facility somewhere within the CITY CENTRE is ongoing. But you're more than welcome to send them messages to tell them how much you would like a decent sized park within the city centre somewhere.

That's all for now... Spring is coming.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I went over there last night to see what progress has been made and there is still a lot of mud!

However, breezeblocks for the right wall are in place and you can see where the teardrop spine will be.