
Clifton skatey business

No contracts (tenders) have been sent out yet for the Clifton project according to the City Council. They're in the process of finalising the document so should be going to prospective companies in the next couple. We'll then have to wait for 4 more weeks for the companies to complete the document and then an evaluation of the tenders needs to be carried out. From that 1 company will be chosen to design and build the park in Clifton.

When i know more about timescales and deadlines i'll let ya know but let it be known that they are going to build something it's just later than expected.

Southglade will be ready in 2 weeks...!!!

Go away rain...


Skatepark update week 10 or 11

At last, the concrete has arrived...! Things are looking rosey now. Not long to go i imagine... when's the opening event...!?!?